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Under the motto “For Life. For the World. For the Better” researchers and scientists are working together towards a cleaner and healthier future for us and our planet. Read more

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Projects and contributors

We would like to show you which beautiful stories and projects we can support thanks to donations.

Magazine Progress through Connection

This magazine contains beautiful and inspiring stories of our alumni.

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UFe Impact Night

Thanks to the support of alumni and donors, our researchers and students are making an impact by finding solutions to societal issues. Join us for a special event exclusively for donors and faculty representatives to learn about their progress.

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Farewell Frank Baaijens

Frank Baaijens has been with TU/e since 1990, serving as a professor, dean, and ambassador. He finds the academic growth of young talents to be one of the most rewarding parts of his work

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Boris and Axel fund

This fund supports TU/e students in developing or testing their innovative projects and research in sports, sustainability, and inclusivity. It was founded by the parents of Boris and Axel.

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Student Emergency Fund

We sympathize with our Iranian students and they should not be the victim of decisions in the home country or other unforeseen circumstances. Read here how to apply for support.

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For the better

Presentation Marina van Damme Grant 2023

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For the world

Edwin Hermkens

Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer of MedApp

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For the better

Bart ter Haar Romenij

Professor emeritus with the energy and drive of a beginning student

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For the world

Edwin van Rest

CEO of Studyportals: Give the world access to education.

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For the better

Marina van Damme grant helps female researchers

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For the world

Team Core

Difficult waste and rare metals in a nice mix of upcycling and recycling.

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For life

For the world

For the better

Find out more

Feel free to contact Ms. Edith Snelders
on telephone number 040-247 41 42 or via