About the fund

For Life. For the World. For the Better.

These three phrases together form the motto of our University Fund. They represent our ambition to contribute to the solution of societal issues. As Eindhoven University Fund, we therefore support researchers and students. Their work deserves a solid financial basis. So that they can find solutions to current and future challenges. Solutions for methods and techniques that can be applied.

For life

Engineers are building the foundations that will bring about major improvements in our health. Like membranes that help the heart to grow a new valve itself. Or nanorobots that specifically break down cancer cells. Your contribution will go to the development of technology that will save lives, methods that prevent the insurmountable problems that still exist today, and tackling diseases specifically. Research that will substantially improve our quality of life.

For the world

Engineers are investigating methods and techniques to keep our planet habitable in the future. And in doing so, they look beyond the boundaries of what is normal. To arrive at alternatives to processes and fuels that are still polluting, but won’t any longer in the future. Like powering heavy-duty engines with 100% circular fuel from metal particles. And using the power of the sun and technology derived from plants to rapidly manufacture environmentally-friendly medicines. Your contribution goes to research that keeps our planet habitable.

For the better

Researchers and students are investigating methods and techniques to keep our planet habitable in the future. Our projects provide indispensable and valuable knowledge and experience to find answers to societal questions. We do this by thinking outside the box. Will you help us develop talent?

For Life. For the World. For the Better.

Deze drie regels vormen samen het motto van ons Universiteitsfonds. Ze staan voor onze ambitie om een bijdrage te leveren aan de oplossing van maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Als Universiteitsfonds Eindhoven ondersteunen wij daarom onderzoekers en studenten. Hun werk verdient een solide financiële basis. Zodat zij oplossingen kunnen vinden voor bestaande en toekomstige uitdagingen. Oplossingen voor methoden en technieken die toegepast kunnen worden.

For life

Ingenieurs bouwen aan de fundamenten die zorgen voor grote verbeteringen van onze gezondheid. Uw bijdrage gaat naar ontwikkeling van technologie die levens redt, die onoverkomelijke problemen voorkomt en ziektes gericht aanpakt. Onderzoek dat onze kwaliteit van leven wezenlijk gaat verbeteren. 

For the world

Ingenieurs onderzoeken methoden en technieken om onze planeet in de toekomst leefbaar te houden. En daarbij kijken ze over de grenzen van het gangbare heen. Om te komen tot alternatieven voor processen en brandstoffen die nu nog vervuilend zijn, maar in de toekomst niet meer. Zo drijven we in de toekomst zware motoren aan met 100% circulaire brandstof van metaaldeeltjes. En maken we snel en milieuvriendelijk medicijnen met de kracht van de zon en techniek die we afkijken van planten. Uw bijdrage gaat naar onderzoek dat onze planeet leefbaar houdt.

For the better

Wetenschappers en studenten onderzoeken methoden en technieken om onze planeet in de toekomst leefbaar te houden. Onze projecten leveren onmisbare en waardevolle kennis en ervaring op om antwoorden te vinden op maatschappelijke vragen. Dat doen we door outside the box te blijven denken. Helpt u ons om talent te ontwikkelen?

ANBI status

Eindhoven University Fund is a foundation with ANBI status. This means that donations made to Eindhoven University Fund may be deductible from the taxable income in the Netherlands. More information can be found on the website of the Dutch tax authorities (Belastingdienst).

The official name of Eindhoven University Fund is Stichting Universiteitsfonds Eindhoven. The foundation is registered under the Chamber of Commerce number 41087140 with the fiscal number 8042.05.012. Would you like more information about our results and financial statements? If so, please refer to our annual report.

Annual report 2022
Magazine progress Through Connection
Annual report 2020
Annual report 2019

Annual report 2018

​​​​​​​Statutes Eindhoven University Fund

ANBI-information required for The Netherlands

For questions or additional information you can always contact us.

IBAN: NL93RABO0101061226 in the name of Stichting Universiteitsfonds Eindhoven.

Challenges in the areas of health, the environment and mobility appeal to everyone and affect everyone. If technology can make an important contribution to its solution, then we, as TU/e alumni, cannot stand back and watch. We have to do something.

dr.ir. Henk Kivits, chairman of the Eindhoven University Fund


  • Chairman: dr. ir. H.P.M. (Henk) Kivits 
  • Board member: drs. R.J.H.M. (Robert-Jan) Smits 
  • Board member: ir. B. (Bert) van der Els
  • Board member: ir. J.J. (Hans) de Jong 
  • Board member: ir. T.E. (Tessie) Hartjes
  • Board memeber: ir. C.A.G. (Carlo) d'Agnolo
  • Treasurer: ir. J.F.P. (Jos) Habets
  • Director: prof. dr. ir. A.C.P.M. (Ton) Backx

Team members

  • Mw. drs. E.W.M. Snelders
  • Mw. T. Chraihi
  • Mw. drs. Y.W. van Bussel Liu
  • Mw. M. van de Loo

The board members of UF/e are not remunerated. They receive no reimbursement or expenses.

Grant committee

Eindhoven University Fund has a number of award committees. These committees advise the board on the use of the funds.

Scientific grant applications and special chairs

This committee advises on applications in the field of research and education

Student initiatives and student teams

This committee advises on project support / societally relevant internships

Student and study association

This committee advises on:

  • group tours for students and study associations who organize a study trip abroad
  • student project grants

Applications can be submitted to: Eindhoven University Fund, attn. Ms. drs. E.W.M. Snelders, teamleader. Applications will only be processed digitally via e-mail.

Ton Backx

2021 ended with the return of a familiar face. Ton Backx joined the board of the Bureau for Alumni Relations and the University Fund as statutory director. His knowledge, his network and his experience have already been of great value to us in the first months of 2022.

Henk Kivits