Boris and Axel Fund

This fund supports TU/e students in developing or testing their innovative projects and research in sports, sustainability, and inclusivity. It was founded by the parents of Boris and Axel. 

An annual amount of up to € 10,000, - is available. You can apply at any time. Every second and third week of each quarter a committee evaluates the applications.  

That committee consists of representatives from the faculty Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, the Student Sports Center Eindhoven and the University Fund, a family member of Boris and a family member of Axel. 

Boris and Axel

Boris Bakker (19) and Axel Verstegen (20) were friends and esteemed, enthusiastic Sustainable Innovation students. They were in the middle of student life and had many friends on our campus. Both were avid athletes and enthusiastic about sustainability and inclusivity. With this fund their vision lives on. It gives other students the opportunity to work on their ideas in these areas. In this video their family members Lieselot, Frank and Dorrith share their memories about the boys and tell how the fund came to life.

Who can apply to this fund?

If you are a TU/e student and have an idea for a technological innovation around sports, sustainability, and inclusivity. Or a combination of those themes. 

With a contribution from the fund, you can, for example, pay for IT licenses, materials or the rent of facilities that will help you come up with a prototype. 

Examples of projects

The fund is for projects that, for example:

  • Making sports or the materials used more sustainable.
  • Making sports more accessible to people with physical and mental disabilities.

Do you have a project solely related to sports, sustainability, or inclusivity? You can still apply. Please note that applications that combine two or more themes will be given priority.

How do we review applications?

We look at several criteria:

  • Innovativeness
  • Contribution to sports
  • Contribution to sustainability
  • Contribution to inclusivity
  • Potential impact on society
  • What do you learn from it?

The fine print

The conditions attached to an application are:

  • If your project receives a contribution from the fund, you pledge to give an interview or presentation about your idea and participate in promotional activities.
  • The fund is exclusively for students. TU/e employees may, of course, be involved in the projects.
  • The fund does not finance investments in buildings nor unsustainable travel.
  • A maximum amount of € 2,500, - applies per student per project.

Here's how to apply for funding

Create a document describing:

  • The personal information of the students involved and others.
  • A description of the idea, including the problem statement, purpose and approach.
  • An explanation of how the idea contributes to the improvement of sports, sustainability, inclusivity and/or to our society.
  • A budget that shows how the €2,500, - will be spent.
  • Your motivation for embarking on this adventure.
  • Your learning- and personal development goals.
  • Email your request to and mention the fund in your subject line.


The fund is open to donations. Do you want to contribute to talent development, sustainability, inclusivity and/or the advancement of sports?