

You see that the world is facing serious challenges, such as sustainability, the energy transition and, now that we are getting older, our health in the future. These are big questions to which existing answers often fall short. If you feel involved in these themes, you can contribute to the solutions in a special way.

For generations, by generations

Science is uniquely capable of finding these solutions. In groundbreaking projects, passionate students and researchers work on new ways to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. The fundamental research they do is extremely valuable, but also expensive. With your legacy you give the generations after us a chance for a cleaner, healthy and brighter future.


Would you rather read more about leaving a legacy to the Eindhoven University Fund (UFe) in peace and quiet? Request the brochure here and read all about the different options for including the UFe in your will. We also explain the application and impact of your contribution.


We are happy to help you fulfill your personal wishes. Would you like a personal conversation about your ambitions and how we can align them with ours? Ton Backx or Edith Snelders from the Alumin Relations Office will be happy to assist you.


Whatever you donate to us will entirely benefit the researchers and students of Eindhoven University. UFe has ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), which means that donations are in most cases exempt from tax on donations and inheritances. This means that your contribution to the UFe fully benefits the cause.


For generations, by generations

"A personal choice that feels good."

I studied Applied Physics at TU/e. I graduated in 1969 and that was the starting point of a wonderful career at Shell. Until I retired, I worked in the laboratory on projects that were an extension of my studies. My life was in the service of science. Now I am 79 years old and when I look back on my life, I can only say that my studies at TU/e have brought me a lot. That is why my wife and I are leaving part of our legacy to the Energy Tech Fund. It feels good that we have made this well-considered, personal choice. In this way we give promising talents an opportunity to work on projects that are important for the future of the world we will soon leave behind.' (TU/e alumnus who wishes to remain anonymous.)

“We can beat prostate cancer with a good, quick diagnosis.”

Dr. Simona Turco is conducting research into a better diagnosis of prostate cancer with the help of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). The University Fund allows her to focus on her work. They can use the money for research without spending valuable time acquiring it.

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