Donation Possibilities Companies

A past full of innovations. A future full of promises.

65 years ago, TU/e started from a dream of the region. Philips and DAF foresaw a future in which technology is central. Meanwhile, more than 50,000 alumni have contributed to making this dream come true. During and/or after their studies, they contribute together with you to 65 years of innovation, growth and progress.

Groot Eindhoven is now a melting pot of innovation, technology and progress. Thanks to companies and organizations that develop new products and concepts time and again. Who experience the advantage of the supply of high-quality technological talent.

We see a bright future for our region and we at TU/e are happy to contribute to that. By giving talents space, resources and guidance that allows them to grow into the heroes of tomorrow.

Do you help build THE FUTURE?

Support the heroes of the future. So that the heroes of tomorrow can ensure that technology and engineering continue to play a leading role. They work on social projects and need materials for that. And sometimes a financial contribution to complete their studies, if this is endangered by force majeure.

 Let's work together for a brighter future.


Your contribution will 100% benefit the development of talent. Can we count on your support?

You can arrange this yourself. Download this PDF, fill it in and send or email it back. That will take you at most 5 minutes.

There are various ways in which you can contribute to the high-quality education and research at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). If you wish to make a financial contribution, Eindhoven University Fund Foundation (UF/e) makes this possible in various ways. 

More information? If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Edith Snelders, team leader (

Inspirational examples

Read the interviews with our donors. Industry leaders who started their careers here at TU/e or who have a strong relationship with it. They tell what their time at TU/e has brought them and why they have become donors. They are the living example of what can happen when talent can develop optimally. Let's work together to ensure that the heroes of the future have the same opportunities.

Eric van Schagen – CEO Simac

"Are you socially involved and do you believe in technology and science? Then the University Fund gives you the opportunity to invest your money now in a valuable future. Because money is a medium of exchange, not a store of value.”

Read Eric's story here.


Edwin van Rest - CEO Studyportals

Edwin van Rest is CEO of Studyportals; a multi-site platform that helps students find the education of their dreams. Edwin and his co-founders have special and very big ambitions to enable access to education worldwide. Especially for those for whom that is not obvious. Read his story here.

Hans Fischer – Former CEO of Tata Steel / Hoogovens IJmuiden

“It's all that you can do on the side that makes the study so valuable. You gain knowledge of people. You learn to deal with successes and disappointments. With those experiences, you as a student have an advantage and you get the interesting jobs more quickly”

Read Hans' story here.


Harry Otten – former CEO Meteoconsult. CEO Weather Solutions

“Weather has a lot to do with energy. For example, the sun provides most of the renewable energy. Directly by sunlight and indirectly by the wind. Those are the sources we will have to rely on in the near future.”

Read Harry's story here.

Jacques van Rooij – Owner Gear Chain Industrial BV

“I hope that we will realize really drastic CO2 savings. We need a few ingredients for a recipe against climate change. And of these, capital and creativity are the most important.”

Read Jacques' story here.

The heroes of tomorrow

These are the talents that will make our future cleaner, healthier and better. Their development as talent is or was partly made possible by the fund. And of course by donors like you.

Dirk van Meer - Sustainable upcycling of difficult waste and recycling of precious metals

Dirk is the captain of Team Core. Their mission is special and very sustainable. And it is twofold: turning waste that is difficult to process into a raw material from which one can make ballast material, for example. And with the heat that is released, the precious metals from electronics are efficiently recycled. A project in which many talents and all disciplines of the TU/e have a role. Supplemented by people from Fontys and Avans and a number of external experts. Read the interview with the driven and ambitious team captain here.

Mohammadreza Baigmohammadi - Circular fuel based on metal particles

Mohammadreza is a member of a project group with a special, sustainable mission: they want to make a fully circular fuel from metal particles. Read all about the enormous benefits for our world, the challenges and the perseverance of Mohammadreza here.

Eva en Harm - Fast and reliable detection of viruses and infections

Two talents who make the most of their time at TU/e. They are working on biological sensors  based on light and light-emitting proteins. These sensors detect infections and viruses, such as Covid-19. Their ultimate goal: a portable means for fast and reliable testing anywhere in the world. Read the story of Eva and Harm here.

Tessie Hartjes - From TU/e project to professional maker of self-charging electric cars

Tessie is Lightyear's VP Marketing. What started as a project for a revolutionary electric car is now a full-fledged company. Lightyear will deliver its first batch of these cars at the end of 2021 and is preparing for further growth in production. A story about ambition and the drive to think outside the box. Successfully. Read the interview with this ambassador of the future here.

TU/e to acquire top electron microscope

Robert-Jan Smits, president of the Executive Board of Eindhoven University of Technology shared: “The university thanks DAF Trucks and the PACCAR Foundation for its generous donation, which will enhance TU/e advanced research and development in the life sciences and materials sciences. The acquisition of the sophisticated soft matter electron-microscope and technical laboratory equipment is very important as universities and medical centers accelerate research to develop solutions to global health and material issues. DAF founder Hub van Doorne was among the early leaders to recognize the benefits of establishing TU/e. The university was founded in 1956 and is celebrating 65 years of excellence.”

Read more

University Fund Eindhoven

Will you support a future in which talents can continue to flourish to the full? In which students can grow into the engineers who develop the solutions that the world is waiting for? On the website of the fund, you can read about which promising projects have already been made possible by the fund and especially by the donors.

The Eindhoven University Fund helps students to develop their talent. By financing projects that make our lives and our world more pleasant and better. But also with activities focused on developing talent and helping students who – through matters out of their hands – are dealing with practical or financial problems. Our Fund is recognized as a public benefit organization (PBO, abbreviated in Dutch as ANBI). This means that your donation is tax deductible.