Our thematic funds

The way forward: Our thematic funds

In the past, humanity has taken paths that have brought us where we are today: face to face with the consequences for our planet. For our future. The world is working on solutions, but not fast enough.

Fundamental challenges like climate and our health require basic research. To make that possible, we have set up two funds: the TU/e Energy Tech Fund and the TU/e Health Tech Fund.

This is how we and our donors contribute to sustainability and a better quality of life. We support the talent that will help achieve these goals in their development.

Will you help us help them?

The theme funds were created in part thanks to: (from left to right) Martin Schuurmans, Hans Fischer, Victoire Schuurmans, Eric van Schagen, Bert van der Els, Harry Otten, Lammie van der Els, Ton Backx, Harrie Noy, Henk Kivits

Energy Tech Fund

For projects where technology contributes to the energy transition. Click on a project for a more detailled description. 

Green hydrogen

Problem: The Netherlands wants to generate between 38 and 72 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2050. But our electricity grid can only handle 20 gigawatts. Project: Systems that convert excess energy into hydrogen so that it can be stored and later converted back into electricity. Or in other fuels.

The much-needed evolution of batteries

Problem: Conventional batteries lose capacity with every charge cycle, pollute our environment and are unsuitable for large-scale storage. Project: Making batteries more efficient, wear-resistant and more widely applicable. Research areas include electrochemical technologies, electrolysers and redox flow batteries.

Sustainable renovations thanks to AI

Problem: houses built between 1945 and 1990 have little, no or very decayed insulation. It is extremely difficult to calculate the most efficient way to properly insulate them. Project: The computing core. Supercomputer software that calculates the best sustainable renovation process. The light prototype has already yielded groundbreaking results.

The electrolysis of the 21st century

Problem: Hydrogen is made with electrolyzers, devices that have barely evolved in decades. Incomprehension about how they work frustrates finding points for improvement. Project: making them more efficient by designing new materials for electrodes and membranes. The biggest riddle to solve: the bubbles created during production drive the process but also sabotage it.

Better materials for better solutions

Problem: Finding the right materials to improve electrolyzers and batteries makes all the difference. But it's a complicated quest. Project: research into ceramic materials and ceramic materials based on mixed polymers. The resulting materials reduce or even eliminate the limitations of previously used materials. SCARY

Underground storage of gases and substances

Problem: underground spaces can contain excess supplies of, for example, hydrogen. Each space has its specific properties that can cause reactions with the stored material. And of course nothing should leak or escape. Project: numerical models and experimental methods that help to understand how different gases and liquids behave in porous spaces.

Health Tech Fund

For projects that, based on technology, promote our health, increase the chance of survival with (complex) medical problems, significantly reduce the impact of medical problems or even save lives. You can read more about this fund and the projects that may be funded from it here.

Preventing neonatal mortality

Problem: More than 50% of newborn deaths could be prevented by 24-hour heart monitoring. But the current technique causes thermal damage to the child. Project: Electrophysiological monitoring. The child can be monitored at home, caregivers can access the data remotely, and AI, databases and advanced fetal heart models help interpret the results.

Minimize long-term consequences of preterm birth

Problem: Worldwide, 11% of children were born prematurely in 2020. Their medical support causes a disrupted sleep rhythm, leading to weight gain and problems with neural development. Project: A fiberglass mat that allows babies to recover in a much more natural environment: at home.





Basic research. The weapon of our scientists in the search for answers to the questions of today and tomorrow. They do not focus on improving existing technologies, but on real innovations. Starting from systems thinking, they search for new fuels, new ways to store energy and more. And they develop methods of using technology to improve and even save lives.


The outcomes of these projects are potentially groundbreaking, but also uncertain. The combination with long durations makes funding challenging. Often these projects get their funding from multiple, smaller donations. But for optimal results, the very certainty of long-term funding is enormously important.



By contributing to our theme funds, you offer these projects that much-needed certainty. And you contribute to projects that can really make a difference.

No longer dependent on many smaller donations, these projects can also look to the long term. A committee of top scientists and administrators selects the projects that can claim a contribution.

Would you like to contribute?

The theme funds are geared toward larger donors who thus benefit from privileges and tax advantages arising from our ANBI status. Of course, smaller amounts are also welcome.

Click here for information on donating. Or contact our University Fund representatives.