Talent Development Projects

The University Fund stands for ‘For Life. For the World. For the Better’. The last part of our motto ‘For the Better’, stands for everything we do to support talent development. On this page, we present an overview of several smaller student projects that helped do just that.

Legs for Lombok - update

Globally only 5 to 15% of amputees have access to proper medical care. The situation in the Global South is by far the worst. This project aims to provide hospitals in those countries with the means to 3D print prosthetics themselves. The printer prototype was developed in Eindhoven and in 2022 Project leader Eric Vernooij tested it in Lombok, Indonesia. He faced issues from higher ambient temperature and humidity disrupting the printing process to problems with getting electronic parts through customs. Their learnings will help them improve on their designs. 

Team Polar expedition

Team Polar is a TU/e student team building a sustainable, autonomous, and affordable research vehicle for Antarctica. In January 2023 they tested their first prototype, lovingly called the Ice Cube, in Norway. And it passed with flying colors. Their skid steering method proved effective, the range was further than expected and the cold barely impacted the battery capacity. There was only one minor issue with the clearance of the wheels, which can be easily resolved. On the way back, three members visited several universities and institutes to spread the word on their development and to be inspired by other universities’ programs for student learning.