Criteria, application and procedure


  1. You have gained a Master’s, PDEng or PhD degree at Eindhoven University of Technology.
  2. Preference will be given to women whose parents did not have an academic education
  3. The application relates to your personal development. This involves:
    •  a career breakthrough and/or a cross-disciplinary step or career change.
    • a strongly international orientation due to collaboration with one or more prominent institutes in other countries.
  4. Preference will be given to women who have already built up a career; however women who are at the start of their career may also apply for the grant if it contributes strongly to their personal development.
  5. The plan can be carried out in practice
  6. The plan will be carried out at a recognized educational or research institute or company in the Netherlands or other country.
  7. The application must clearly show why the grant is essential to achieve the desired career change
  8. The application must show how the candidate will continue to build on her previous education.

It is permitted, and may even support the candidacy, for an application to also receive additional funding from other funds. It is therefore desirable and advisable to explicitly name additional applications in the application.


An action plan must be included with the nomination, including:

• A brief description of the career to date, including CV
• A brief description of the intended career step or turn (see criterion 3) and its importance for the candidate's personal development
• A brief explanation of how the grant will be used to achieve the intended step or turn, supported by a letter of recommendation/letter of admission from a professor or institute where the program will be taken
• A description of any applications from other funds for this plan
• A budget and a timeline

NB: the overall plan of approach is limited in scope (max. three A4 pages excluding CV and appendices).

The application period for the Marina van Damme Grant 2023 has recently closed. The applications for Marina van Damme Grant 2024 will open during the course of next year.



All applications are assessed by a jury. It is not possible to correspond about the outcome. The grant will be awarded at the presentation of the Academic Awards at TU/e on Friday, September 29, 2023. If you are invited to present your plan, we expect you to be present in person. After the grant has been awarded by the jury, the winner can start executing her plan.

The University Fund Eindhoven will contact the winner for the bank details. Within 3 months after the grant has been awarded, the winner will receive an advance of no more than € 4,500. After the plan has been realized, the winner must submit a final result and financial statement. After the final result has been positively assessed, the remainder of the grant will be paid. The assessment takes place within a period of 3 months after receipt of the final invoice. The end result must be established by means of a diploma or certificate. You have 4 years to realize your plan. Winners are invited to participate in the Marina van Damme Network.

The University Fund Eindhoven will contact the runner up for the bank details. Subsequently, the amount of the grant of € 2,500 will be paid out within 3 months after the grant has been awarded.

By submitting your application you agree that the University Fund Eindhoven may use your data for communication purposes in relation to the Marina van Damme grant (including mentioning on the website of TU Eindhoven and the University Fund Eindhoven, social media channels and other communication channels of the TU Eindhoven and the Marina van Damme Network).

The application for submission of the Marina van Damme grant 2022 is closed. Registrations for 2023 will open in the course of next year.